Monday, January 24, 2011


I've heard more than one person say they would rather not come to church/be around the church/become a Christian because the church is full of hypocrites. This isn't really a news flash because I believe that every human being, to one degree or another, is a hypocrite. Nevertheless, people use this line of reasoning as a legitimate excuse to not become a Christian, or even acknowledge God's existence. I think a large part of that is the terrifying implication that if God is real, then we must be accountable to Him. But more on that in a minute.

These people have a point, at least to a certain extent. If we claim to be Christians, our lives ought to show it, no ands, ifs, or buts about it. We all ought to be examining our own lives on a regular basis as to whether we really are being the salt and light of the world. And if we aren't, then we need to take action to get back on the right course again. When the salt of the earth isn't being salt, it's amazing how perceptive unbelievers are to that dynamic. And when they call us on it, they're right.

But I have to say, I've heard way too many people parrot that excuse for the sole purpose of escaping accountability before God. God's real, and He holds us accountable, whether or not we as the church misrepresent Him.

In light of all this, I would really like to examine Matthew 13:24-30. Jesus is telling a parable about the kingdom of God. He says that the kingdom is like a man that sowed good seed in his field. He also says that while men slept, an enemy came and sowed tares in his field. The servants asked him if he wanted them to gather them up, but he said no. He said to just let them grow up together. Once they are full grown, they will be able to discern real wheat from the tares. At that point the tares are gathered up and burned, and the wheat is gathered into the barn (and Jesus said that this is what essentially happens at the end of the world).

So why does it come as a surprise to us when people look at the church and see these people? Then they say things like, "Look, the church is full of hypocrites! I don't want any part of that!" Well of course it is, and Jesus said it would be. And the closer we get to the last days, the more evident these people will become.

Now the church isn't perfect, as I said, but not everyone who says they're a Christian is a Christian. And not everyone who attends church is a true believer in Jesus Christ (take for instance the guy who was at the synagogue possessed with demons, in Jesus' actual presence, from Luke 4:33). There are tares among the wheat. But I have to say, for every hypocrite I know 100 other fully committed followers of Jesus Christ who would be embarrassed if I told what they have done and what they have given. The problem is, nobody looks at their lives and their actions and says, "Wow, that person has really given sacrificially to the cause of Christ! They've done this, and they live their lives like that. There must be something to this Jesus." The people who say the church is full of hypocrites don't know some of the same Christians I know.

Anyway, no matter what the story is, I just truly believe some people like to find any excuse they can to not believe in God. "The church is full of hypocrites" is certainly one of them. But it isn't a valid one.

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