Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Time Is Short

Today was a pretty serious day of reflection for me. I have this sense that the time is short. As such, I'm feeling such a huge burden for those around me that are lost. I don't really have the words to describe the sense of urgency I have. Right now we have time to share the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection with our families, friends, and neighbors. But I really don't know how much time or how many opportunities we have left. This feeling has driven me to prayer, asking God (even begging) to give me a voice, to give me an open door to share this good news. I really don't know what kind of opportunities might come my way, but I want to be mindful of sharing the gospel.

If you've happened upon this blog and don't believe in Jesus Christ, I'd like to have a minute of your time. When you look around at all the things that are happening in the world and line them up with scripture, it really is quite possible that we are living in the last days...the days just prior to the return of Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom. Before He sets up His kingdom, there is going to be a serious time of trial and tribulation that comes on this earth to wake people up. It will be a time of judgment and great suffering. Some will actually turn to Christ at this time, but some will raise their fists in anger to God and refuse to repent. This time will reveal what's in men's hearts.

The good news is, you can still turn to Christ before all this begins. If you've been looking for forgiveness, restoration, a new start, a relationship with God, it all begins with Jesus Christ. He is the one that took the penalty of our sins by dying on the cross. His resurrection shows His defeat of death and the fact that God accepted His payment for your sins. Because of His death and resurrection, we can have forgiveness and a new life. The only thing you have to do to receive His forgiveness is admit to Him you're a sinner. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you and rose again, and you will be saved. You should confess your new found faith to someone-get into a Bible-believing church and talk to the pastor.

Again, please understand that the time is short. Jesus may not be returning this very hour, but He will come at some point. He is not going to let this planet go on forever like this. He will eventually deal with everyone.

In light of all this, I want to leave you with this passage from 2 Peter:

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise [to return], as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

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