Saturday, February 12, 2011

You Can't Get to Heaven That Way

I've been thinking a lot lately about what people believe about heaven and how to get there. I would be willing to bet that most people, if asked the question, "How does a person get to heaven?" they would say, "By being a good person." Or maybe they would say, "If your good works outweigh your bad works, you go to heaven."

The problem is, neither of these viewpoints is true.

You cannot get to heaven by being a good person.

The only way you can get to heaven is by believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since we as unjust, unholy, sinful, imperfect people cannot stand before a just, holy, perfect God, there must be another way. That way is Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. As He died on that cross, He was taking the penalty for our sins, so that we, through His gift, can once again approach God, and in turn, go to heaven to be with Him forever as the result of His sacrifice.

There is no other way. No one else has died (and subsequently risen again from the dead) and taken our place. We cannot make up our own rules about who God is and how to get to heaven.

The only way to heaven is to believe in Jesus Christ.

So the question remains: What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

This is the most important question you will ever answer in all of eternity. I pray that you give it long, careful consideration.

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