Saturday, February 20, 2010

With Your Whole Heart

At men's breakfast Thursday someone quoted Jeremiah 29:13:

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

That phrase, "with all your heart" struck me. There's a challenge there: seek Him with all your heart. Then you will find Him.

To be able to know God on an intimate level is a mind-blowing privilege afforded us only through the blood of Christ. That's a whole study in and of itself, but God's call here is to search for Him with all your heart. What does that mean?

  • Prioritize. What are you spending your life on?
  • Don't get distracted with the non-issues of a temporary world. Very hard to do.
  • Watch out for half-hearted seeking. That means Bible reading and prayer as a check box on a to-do list.
  • Money or God? Are you spending your life laying up treasures on Earth or heaven?
Spend some time diligently searching and seeking after God. Pray, read your Bible, and really try to get to know Him. If you're really watching and listening, He will be found by you.

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