Monday, February 15, 2010

Crazy Reading Schedule

My wife and I embarked on a 90 day Bible reading program in January as a "resolution" of sorts. I was pretty excited about it then, and I still am today. Brooke and I are just about half done, and I have to say, it has truly been awesome.

The reading schedule is crazy at times. I don't recommend doing it unless you can devote 45-60 minutes every single day for 90 days straight. When was the last time you ready 15 chapters of 1 Chronicles in one sitting?

I really thought the genealogies would be worse, but they're not that bad. Don't let them intimidate you!

The one thing I've learned though is that you can really get a pretty firm grasp on Israel's history and God's dealing with them if you do this schedule. Everything flows together so well, and everything is so fresh in my mind that it all makes sense. So often we pick and choose our way through the Bible, reading passages here and there in disjointed fashion. But there is much to be learned by reading big portions of it all at once as a book, and not just a handful of verses here and there. It's a different type of study than a verse by verse, but it's beneficial all the same.

With that said, I still have my reading to do for tonight. Tonight's reading: Nehemiah 1:1-13:14.

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