Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blogging Again

Well I'm not too sure about starting something like this again. I already have a blog, but for one reason or another, a blog turns into a "must do" sort of thing for me, and I actually end up feeling guilty for not keeping it updated. We all know how that is: there are few things more irritating on the internet than an out-of-date website or blog. As a result, I have some reservations about blogging again.

On the other hand, I really feel responsible for cultivating and using any gift I may have. I really do enjoy communicating with other people about the Bible. I'm not usually one to turn down an opportunity to lead a study or do a devotional. I'm long-winded, so I can usually find something to say, even last minute.

Having said that, since I don't get those kinds of opportunities as much as I would like, I'm thinking this might be a good outlet. I'm not sure if I will average even one hit per week (except for my own), but I'm not sure that even matters. I guess if I have something to say, I should say it, even if few listen.

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