Monday, July 12, 2010


A few things have become evident to me over the past few weeks in talking with people and listening at church. Those things are:

1.) Spend time reading the Bible. It's becoming more and more critical to be able to discern the truth for yourself as these days come and go (I would check out 1 Timothy 3:1+). We each need to spend time reading our own Bibles and hearing from the Lord ourselves. I cannot emphasize this enough.

2.) Watch. We need to be watching. We need to be paying very close attention to what is happening in society. We need to remember the words of Jesus in Luke 17:26, 27. I don't think we can be watching too closely. Maybe Jesus won't come back today or tomorrow, or even this week, but I assure you, there will be a week we start and don't finish. I can't emphasize this enough either, especially in light of Matthew 25:5. Watch!

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