Friday, March 26, 2010

The Old Testament

My wife and I just got done reading the Old Testament together. It took us about 70 days. Here's what I took away from that reading:

Israel messed up, big time. They were so entrenched in idolatry it wasn't even funny. One thing that struck me particularly was the practice of causing their children to "pass through the fire to Molech." The image had a place for building a fire in it, and it had outstretched arms. The people would build a fire in there, heat the thing up red hot, and place their children in the image's arms. Human a god that wasn't even real.

As a side note, before we get too grossed out by these "primitive people," we still have the same practice today. It's called abortion.

God really let 'em have it in Malachi. I definitely want to come back to that book.

Idolatry: anything that takes your heart away from God.

Reading chapter after chapter after chapter of God's warnings to these people really made me question, on a daily basis, do I have any idols that take my heart away from God? I did some real soul-searching then.

God said on a few different occasions: "Return to Me, and I will return to you."

A nation cannot indefinitely get away with wickedness.

The essence of the law: Love God, love others. Defend the widows, fatherless, and poor.

Don't pervert justice.

There's an obscure OT law that says you're not to return a runaway slave to his master. Yet Paul did this very thing in the book of Philemon. Why would Paul knowingly violate the law?

Something that I keep thinking about is what God said to Abraham: "I am your Shield, your exceedingly Great Reward."

Sweet verse in Jeremiah 29: "And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you."

I could go on, but I think I learned more than I realize!

1 comment:

  1. That's really amazing Bill! I'd love to hear more as you discover other things that you've learned through it!
